All blog posts from Dr. Allott are provided for educational and informational purposes only. As Dr. Allott is also a licensed medical practitioner, we must make it clear that nothing on the blog is intended to constitute medical advice, consultation, recommendation, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are concerned about your health, please seek appropriate care in your area.

Friends Don't Let Friends Drink Diet Sodas

Yes, my title is a take off on an old driving while under the influence of alcohol campaign.  Nonetheless, it just may be an appropriate warning for friends of diet soda drinkers.

Medical researchers in three studies, referenced below, are raising some interesting as well as disturbing findings regarding popular diet sodas.  Findings that struck me as significant include the following:

Drinking at least one diet soda daily increases your risks

  • of obesity by 36%;

  • of cardiovascular events by 61%;

  • of type 2 diabetes by 67%.

Drinking two diet sodas a day increases the likelihood of reduced kidney functions.

Diet soda studies to date have been based on “observational data and have not focused on establishing causality”.  But that doesn’t mean we should dismiss their findings.  Matter of fact, I believe these three articles are calling loudly: “Pay attention!”

Tips for Easing Off the Diet Soda Habit:

  • If you do drink diet sodas, first take note of why.  Many people do it for the caffeine, “the mouth entertainment”, to break the boredom in meetings, to have something to do with their hands.

  • Try taking 2 weeks off.  You may need to replace it with sparking water or green tea. Then, notice how you feel.  Ask yourself questions such as Did the headaches go away?  Is there less muscle skeletal pain?  Have food cravings lessened?

Like breaking all habits, your commitment is key.  Reread those bold facts above and remind yourself that your decision is one based on your vision of a happily healthy you.  Good luck!